2K SOFTWARE is an experienced, dynamically developing IT company whose main interests lie in the field of custom software development. We help companies solve their problems and do this with high professionalism and attention to the Customer's requirements.
System Applications
The 2K SOFTWARE company is a leading provider of software development services for information security systems. It has participated in the development of several server and virtual machine monitoring systems. We have extensive experience working with the Microsoft Hyper-V system. In addition, we developed products for VMware and KVM.
Business Process Automation
Business process automation is the automation of daily repetitive tasks that are usually performed manually.
Cloud Development
Cloud computing is a resource that is used as a remote service, a kind of online platform on the Internet. Using cloud applications and services, you do not use the power and memory of your PC, but online space.
Machine Learning
Machine learning is data analysis techniques that allow an analytical system to learn by solving many similar problems.
Corporate Portals
A corporate portal built on our platform will allow your company to increase the efficiency of key business processes.
CRM Integration
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a customer relationship management system, the main functions of which are automation, regulation and control of various corporate business processes, storage and systematization of information about interaction with the client, and task planning.
Almost all of the projects we carry out require working with databases: storing, retrieving, updating, processing and analyzing data.
Cloud Technologies
The migration of computing resources and services to the cloud has been a major trend in the last decade.
Virtualization is a process that runs an instance of a computer system in a virtual form at a level external to the hardware.
System Technologies
System technologies make it possible to create tools for optimal interaction of an application program with hardware and the operating system.
Web Development
from developing projects using classic ASP/ASP.NET, then ASP.NET MVC to a modern approach using SPA frameworks for the frontend and REST services for the backend, built on ASP.NET Core, and gRPC/gRPC-Web.
Programming Languages
Depending on the nature of the tasks being solved, functional requirements, security requirements, scalability, and performance, the most suitable programming languages ​​are used.
Messages Exchange
When developing distributed applications, the correct choice of technologies for interaction of remote components plays an important role, which is especially important when using microservice architecture.
Machine Learning
Data Mining is a method of analyzing large amounts of data using statistical and mathematical methods to find hidden patterns. Machine Learning works with data sets generated by Data Mining technology.
We have experience working with large healthcare institutions, clinics and startups in the medical field.
We thoroughly study your business, its goals and needs, to create projects that provide optimal results.
We have ten years of experience working with logistics and transport companies of all sizes.
We combine our technical expertise with innovative strategies to create world-class IT solutions backed by leading design practices.
Hotel Business
We carefully develop strategies and solutions that meet the specific requirements of your business.
Our work does not end with the development and implementation of the project. We offer comprehensive support and service at every stage of the project lifecycle.
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